
Iranian regime: Male gods and oppressed women

Sexualized society:”Culprit” women

The androcratic world was formed as a result of several historical processes. These historical processes served for dominating of men denying the women any authority in the society. In this system, enhancing the man socially and physically opened the flood-gates for psychological, social and biological exploitation of women, with the result that the latter were deprived of social development. The development of the patriarchal religions and philosophy was prominent in regulating of this mentality. So, the male Gods replaced the female ones. The status of women began to decline because of using the philosophical views and religious rules by the powers as a law of their own governments. The patriarchal powers accusing the women not obeying these rules of protesting against the divine power condemned them to the execution. Now we can acknowledge the fact of sexualized unfair governments resting upon the traditions and customs and administrated by the patriarchal rules rather than the divine power violation women’s rights.


İran nüvə silahı əldə etmək üçün vaxt qazanır

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